Janet Conner of www.writingdownyoursoul.com and author of Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice Within met with Coach Manu recently to talk about her extraordinary and extremely helpful book!
1) In Part 1 of this interview learn how the ‘voice’ discovered Janet, actually it was a dog! And how the ‘Dear God’ conversations began!2) What’s the science behind this kind of writing? Learn how the body, mind and soul come together to make such an experience possible!
3) Follow the steps outlined in this part to connect with your soul at a deep level. Learn how to express your soul through writing in this manner. Caution: Do not attempt if you’re afraid to change your life!! Also learn how you will know that the connection has been made.
4) In this last part of the interview learn why handwriting works best but typing can work too. Also learn of some other resources at your disposal!
Click for Interview!
David Allen of www.davidco.com, best seller author of many books and systems, consultant and internationally acclaimed speaker spoke with Coach Manu recently!
David’s current book is Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and the Business of Life
1) In this first segment David talks about why it’s so important to have a system to get things done. When you do that you free up your psyche and expand creative space.
2) David here talks about being in the zone and in the moment, engaging in the game, being fully available to what you’re doing, giving your attention to what has your attention. Find out how to get into the zone, how not to have the same thought more than once. What’s not on cruise control, that’s what on your mind.
3) In this recording learn more about David’s methodology, how not to keep your commitments in your head because the mind operates on whatever you feed it. Don’t randomize yourself. Have a reliable system, don’t distract your mind.
4) Learn about the natural planning model in this recording, what we do first, second …last, the mind follows a process naturally. What’s your purpose, intention? You can apply the same model to any situation.
5) Here David talks about his new book. Lighten up he says and get more business-like about the rest of your life. For a free assessment, a map on where you are on the control/perspective tradeoff go to www.gtdiq.com
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Linda Kaplan Thaler of The Linda Kaplan Thaler Group spoke with Coach Manu about her book The Power of Small!
Linda spoke about the book in general and the 4 pearls of Truth embedded in the book:Truth #1: Its a Byte size world! For good or for bad, better watch out! Check out the story of the Free Rice website here www.freerice.com…Truth #2: Small acts tell a large story. The first impression is the right one! How attention to the small detail pays off, listen to how the FBI works!Truth #3: Everyone matters, the story of Frank the security guy! The kidney donation, all thanks to small talk!Truth #4: A little good goes a long way. The Power of Story!
Click for Interview!
Dr. Anna Rowley
Dr. Anna Rowley, Therapist to the corporate world, Academic and author spoke with Coach Manu about her book Leadership Therapy. What trips executives and leaders when they by all accounts should be very successful?
Here are some of the key points Dr. Rowley shares with us:
- What are the road blocks to your career or even your life?
- How your deeply held beliefs define your personal brand.
- Why is self-awareness so important?
- Website Resources: How well do you know yourself/Building your Leadership Brand
Click for Interview!
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Executive Coach, Academic and famous author spoke with Coach Manu about life, habits that tick others off, on being a good manager, succession planning, coaching and a whole lot more!
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
His two latest books are What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful and Succession: Are You Ready? (Memo to the Ceo) Here are some of the nuggets he talks about:
- Why your ‘Life is Good’ right now!
- What got you here, won’t get you there!
- Who’s to blame?
Click for Interview!
Simon T. Bailey met with Coach Manu to discuss his new book Release Your Brilliance . In this 25 minute long conversation that’s broken up into 4 parts Simon explains why each one of us is like a brilliant diamond, waiting to be mined and polished!
Simon T. Bailey
Some quotes from this exchange follow:
- Are you the CEO of YOU Inc? Don’t take your brilliance to your grave!
- There are numerous opportunities waiting to emerge, but they won’t show up until YOU show up!
- An optimist is a person who constantly expects the best!
- It’s difficult to know yourself by yourself. A coach polishes and shapes the diamond potential that’s inside a person, so that they can brilliantly shine from the inside out!
- The best possible advice!